The Philippines

Here are some facts about the Philippines!

Peace Corps Philippines is the organization’s second oldest program beginning in October of 1961 just as the Peace Corps got established.  My batch number – 275, means we will be the 275th group to be working there!  The current Peace Corps Philippines programs are education (my sector!), costal resource management and youth development – there are about 75 total people in my batch (~25 people per group).

The official language is Tagalog and many people speak English.  While English is commonly spoken, there are also many different dialects among filipinos according to the regions.  The language that I speak is Kinaray-a, which is only used in my province.

The Philippines is made up of 7,107 islands with Manila as its capital city.  The islands are divided up into three major groups: Luzon, Visayas & Mindando.  My site is in Western Visayas in Patnongon, Antique which is on the island of Panay.