six facts about filipinos

One thing I love about traveling the most is understanding and getting to know different cultures. Cultures are the roots that hold everyone together to stay connected and if you dig deep enough, you'll be able to understand everyone's values and beliefs. The Philippines, like America, is surprisingly a very diverse country. The Philippines is …

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new year, new place

2017 2016 sure flew by, many people on social media couldn't wait for the year to be over as it was noted as one of the worst years but as I reflected ono the past year, a lot of good happened. New Years in 2016 was when I got the news that I was invited to serve in …

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When you hear about places we often just get a single story about the place.  Maybe it's from a family member who traveled there, a friend who heard something about it or you read something online. These single stories come from another person's perspective, we learn about it from their experiences and what they saw …

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